Welcome to Express Diagnostics
Express Diagnostics is one of the most technologically advanced Diagnostic Service Provider. It runs various diagnostic facilities at strategic locations. It helps in establishing customized Diagnostic Centers through Franchiese Model. The Company is pioneer in providing Portable Diagnostic Solutions at doorstep. Express Diagnostics is powered by a state of the art e-health Portal (www.medicodb.com). This Portal is Patient Centric Heathcare Management System. Entire medical and non-medical data generated during the different stages of medical procedures are automatically linked to the Patient which can be accessed in controlled environment.
The Company has designed and implemented Multi Specialty Diagnostic Center on Telemedicine Platform. The entire Center is run in paperless environment. The digital images, loops and reports generated from medical equipments are automatically linked to Patient’s EMR and the Specialists give their opinion from a Central Reporting Center (CRC) operated by us. ExpressECG is a Telemedicine module being run by us, wherein the ECG is done on-site at various remote locations and its 24x7 reporting is being done from CRC. More than hundred thousand ECG has been done in urban and rural areas since 2010. We are proud of saving thousands of life by timely diagnosis of Cardiac Emergency during First Golden Hours.
How “Express Diagnostics” is Different?
24x7 Instant Remote Reporting Facilities by Specialised Doctors
Specialists / Doctors are not required at Diagnostic Centers
Instant Report from Central Reporting Canter( CRC)
License-free Browser-Based Software Solution
All Medical Images, Loops, Reports, etc. displayed on the Patient's Timeline
Retrieval of Health Records from any part of the world at anytime
Patients can upload and view their own Health Records
Facility to build Marketing Scheme through MedicoDB Card
Portable Services were available at Point-of-Care/Patient End Location (PEL).
Need-based Customized Franchise Model
Tele-Medicine Kit for Mobile Van with Remote Reporting Facilities
Remote Reporting Facilities for standalone Radiology and Pathology Centers
Reporting on a “Pay-Per-Use” basis
Consulting for second opinions.
Joint interpretations
Save costs to the patient, provider, and system
We run various Diagnostic Facilities at strategic locations. We help in establishing customized Diagnostic Centres through Franchise Model. The Company is the pioneer in providing Portable Diagnostic Solutions at the doorstep. Express Diagnostics runs on an e-health platform wherein the following Services in many combinations are provided remotely:
Amenorrhea (lack of periods) particularly in the young woman.
Primary Health Care
Emergency Care
Remote Diagnosis
Remote Reporting of Investigations
Patient EMR
Digitization of Patient Document
Patient Timeline Analysis (Comparison analysis using different encounters)
Tele Video Consultation (Patient to Specialist Video consultation)
Real-Time Remote Diagnosis and Live Monitoring