Also called as Fundoscopy or Opthalmoscopy tests. Eye checkup is performed by the high technology Fundoscopy machine by an Ophthalmologist. Test is done as a part of routine physical or complete eye examination. If you have sign of high BP, diabetes or other eye disease than one must do an eye checkup. Fundoscopy is considered to be 90-95% accurate. It can detect the early stages and effects of many serious diseases.
Many sight threatening diseases if detected early can be cured or treated to prevent or slow the progression of serious vision loss. The most important step in preventing visual loss is by routine examination of eyes by a qualified eye care professional.
Persons with diabetes are at greater risk for several eye disorders including diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and cataract, and should have eye examination every year or as per their doctor's advice. Asians are more at risk of glaucoma and should have regular check up after 40 years of age especially with positive family history of glaucoma.
Here at Express Diagnostics, we are committed to provide the highest quality of ‘Eye Care’ as per international standards. We aim to combine cutting edge technology with professional expertise, compassion and dignity to deliver the best results.
Most eye care experts recommend that you have a complete eye exam every one to three years, depending on your age, risk factors and whether you currently wear corrective lenses.
Children need regular eye exams to detect vision problems that may interfere with learning. Routine eye exams are essential for children to be ready to learn in school, and experts say more than 80 percent of information children receive in classrooms is presented visually.
Children with risk factors for vision problems may need their first eye exam earlier than 6 months of age and may need more frequent eye exams throughout childhood. Examples of risk factors include:
From American Optometric Association
Recommended Eye Exam Frequency for Children | ||
Patient Age or Situation | Examination Interval if Asymptomatic or Risk Free | Examination Interval if at risk |
Birth to 24 months | At 6 months of age | By 6 months of age or as recommended |
2 to 5 years | At 3 years of age | At 3 years of age or as recommended |
6 to 18 years | Before first grade and every 2 years afterwards | Annually or as recommended |
Children who wear eyeglasses or contact lenses | Annually or as recommended | Annually or as recommended |
Seniors need regular eye exams to avoid sight-threatening diseases.
To maintain a lifetime of healthy vision, a comprehensive eye exam every two years for adults ages 18 to 60, and annual exams for seniors age 61 and older is recommended. "At risk" adults should have more frequent exams.
Risk factors for adults include:
Also, adults who wear contact lenses should have annual eye exams.
Recommended Eye Examination Frequency for Adults | ||
Patient Age or Situation | Examination Interval if Asymptomatic or Risk Free | Examination Interval if at risk |
18 to 60 years | Every two years | Every one to two years or as recommended |
61 and older | Annually | Annually or as recommended |
Adults who wear eyeglasses or contact lenses | Annually or as recommended | Annually or as recommended |
If you have any doubt how often you (or your children or parents) should have your eyes examined, ask your eye care professional for guidance.
It is important to bring information to your eye exam that will alert your eye doctor to risks you may have for eye or vision problems.
In particular, bring a list of any prescription or non-prescription medications you are currently taking or that you took on a regular basis in the past. Include vitamins, herbs and other non-traditional remedies you may use. Include the dosages you take for each medicine or other substance, and how long you have been taking them.
If you currently wear corrective lenses, bring all pairs of eyeglasses you wear routinely. If you wear contacts that were prescribed elsewhere, bring a copy of your most recent contact lens prescription.
Also, be sure to bring a copy of your vision insurance card and any other medical insurance cards you have if you are seeking insurance coverage for a portion of your fees.
Finally, prepare and bring a list of questions or concerns that you would like to discuss with the doctor.